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IP Seminar for Startups

DATE : 28th March 2019 (Thursday)
TIME : 2:30-3:15pm (Seminar); 3:30-5:00pm (IP Consultation)
VENUE : iDendron, 1/F, Knowles Building
SPEAKERS : Dr. SC KIM, Director, and IP Management Team of Technology Transfer Office

This IP seminar is specifically designed for HKU Startups. In the first session, Dr. Kim will share his view on why IP is important for startups and introduce the concept of IP strategy and management.

In the second session, members in the IP Management Team of TTO will provide one-on-one IP consultation to individual startup company and hopefully will equip the company with an understanding of what is needed to do in order to protect their IPs.

About the Speaker :
Dr. Kim is currently the Director of Technology Transfer Office, Managing Director of Versitech Limited, Associate Director of Knowledge Exchange Office and a Member of University Research Committee of the University of Hong Kong (HKU). He is in charge of the HKU’s intellectual property management, innovation and entrepreneurship, and technology commercialization activities.

Prior to joining the HKU, Dr. Kim was managing director of NESS display and served as a Senior Vice President at Exploit Technologies Pte. Ltd (2007-2016), a commercialization arm for Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) of Singapore. He directly and indirectly established more than 16 companies and 3 exits.  

Registration for IP Seminar :
For HKU Staff and Students :
For iDendron’s incubatees and TSSSU Companies

Registration for IP Consultation Session :
For iDendron’s incubatees and TSSSU Companies only :


CUPP 2019 Information Seminar


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