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MSC Microspheres for Regenerative Medicine
Therapeutic Biologics

Key Problem and Market Opportunity

•Stem cell-based therapy (SCT) presents a promising approach for regenerative medicine and tissue engineering

•Using mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) in SCT is more socially and ethically acceptable than embryonic stem cells

•However, nowadays there is no effective delivery device for SCT to have satisfactory functional outcomes

Key Advantages of the Technology

Technology Section Slider 1

Characteristics of collagen–hMSC microspheres: (A) hMSCs in a mesh of collagen fibrils); (B) microspheres with consistent size (scale bar: 100 mm); (C) microsphere cross-section: elongated hMSCs entrapped in collagen matrix (scale bar: 100mm); (D) electronic microscopic image showing the gross appearance of the microspheres; (E) magnified view of the microspheres with closely packed and nano-sized collagen fibrils; (F) magnified view showing the typical D-bands (distance between two side-by-side arrows) of collagen fibrils

•Self-assembled collagen-MSC microspheres

•Controlled sphere sized: 150-300µm in diameter

•MSC number in the spheres can be controlled for various applications

•Encapsulated MSCs are protected by a dense meshwork of collagen fibrils creating a physiologically relevant permissive environment

Potential Product and Services

Cell-based therapy

Development Status and IP Strength

•Animal testing completed
•Open to Licensing
•PCT Application No: PCT/IB2007/004413
•Published Date: 2008-06-26

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